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Data archived at the Atmospheric composition Validation Data Center (AVDC) originates from several sources, including:

  • NASA Research Announcement (NRA) funded Aura validation projects.
  • Special Aura validation campaigns, including NASA Aura Validation Experiment (AVE) aircraft deployment and the NASA large-balloon missions.
  • Established measurement networks for collection of atmospheric data, such as from the Network for Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC), the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) program, etc.
  • Collaboration with European Space Agency (ESA), European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), University of Toronto, etc.

Access to public areas of the AVDC archive:

Aura/HIRDLS data

Version 007 of Aura-HIRDLS Level-2 Atmospheric Product 'HIRDLS2' is publicly available from the GES DISC. HIRDLS data also are available in the United Kingdom and Europe from the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC). The Data Description and Quality document for V7 is available from those locations, and also from
Additional information are available from the HIRDLS website.

Product Level/Type Description Source Access
HIRDLS v007 link
Temperature, geopotential height, H2O, O3, HNO3, CFC11, CFC12, NO2, N2O, N2O5, ClONO2, plus clouds, aerosol extinction, and Ice Water Content (algorithm V7.00.00 and V7.05.00). GES-DISC public

Aura/MLS data

Product Level/Type Description Source Access
MLS v5.0 link Profiles - v5.0 products
GES-DISC public
L2GP OVP Station overpass data - criteria: Lat. ±5 deg. and Lon. ±8 deg.
AVDC public
MLS v4.2 link Profiles - v4.2 products
GES-DISC public
L2GP OVP Station overpass data - criteria: Lat. ±5 deg. and Lon. ±8 deg.
AVDC public

Aura/OMI data

Product Level/Type Description Source Access
OMAERUV L2 OVP Aerosol Optical Thickness & Single Scattering Albedo. Station overpass data.
AVDC public
link OMI Near-UV Aerosol Extinction and Absorption Optical Depth Daily L3 Global.
GES-DISC public
OMBRO L2 OVP Total column bromine monoxide (BrO). Station overpass data.
AVDC public
OMCLDO2 link Cloud pressure and fraction measured using O2-O2 absorption and the DOAS technique. Gridded dataset.
GES-DISC public
OMCLDRR link Cloud pressure and cloud fraction from Raman scattering. Gridded dataset.
GES-DISC public
OMDOAO3 L2 OVP Total ozone column using the DOAS technique. Station overpass data.
AVDC public
link Total ozone column using the DOAS technique. Gridded dataset.
GES-DISC public
OMHCHO L2 OVP Total column formaldehyde (HCHO). Station overpass data.
AVDC public
OMNO2 L2 OVP Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) total column. Station overpass data. AVDC public
link Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) total columns using the DOAS technique. Gridded dataset.
GES-DISC public
link Mapped OMI NO2 product. Daily 0.25 deg. x 0.25 deg. data.
GES-DISC public
OMOCLO L2 OVP Slant column chlorine dioxide (OClO). Station overpass data.
AVDC public
OMSO2 L2 OVP Sulphur dioxide (SO2) total column. Station overpass data.
AVDC public
OMTO3 L2 OVP TOMS-like total ozone column and aerosol index. Station overpass data.
AVDC public
link TOMS-like total ozone column and aerosol index. Gridded dataset.
GES-DISC public
link Mapped OMI TO3 product. Daily 0.25 deg. x 0.25 deg. data.
GES-DISC public
OMUVB L2 OVP Surface UV irradiances. Station overpass data.
AVDC public
OMO3PR link Ozone Profiles
GES-DISC public
L2 OVP Ozone Profiles. Station overpass data.
AVDC public
OMTROPNO2CLD L3 Global map of free tropospheric NO2 volume mixing ratio (VMR) at cloudy scenes.
NASA/GSFC public
OMNO2d_HR L3 Mapped OMI NO2 product. Daily 0.1 deg. x 0.1 deg. images and data.
NASA/GSFC public
OMAERO link OMI multi-wavelength aerosol data product.
KNMI public
OMCHOCHO L2 Total column CHOCHO and ancillary information retrieved from OMI global and spatial zoom mode measurements.
SAO public
OMH2O L2 Total column water vapor (H2O).
SAO public
OMPROFOZ L2 Ozone Profiles, including tropospheric ozone.
SAO public

Aura/TES data

Please download and read the TES product information documents that describes quality, status, expected precision, resolution, and known artifacts. For TES V06 L2_Lite, download and read TES Lite Products Users Guide.

Product Level/Type Description Source Access
TES V06 data L2_Lite link Reduced size product files
JPL public
TES V06 link All available TES data
NASA/LaRC public

MetOp/GOME-2 data

Product Level/Type Description Source Access
GOME-2 L2 OVP BrO, H2O, HCHO, NO2, O3, SO2 station overpass data for MetOp-A (GOME2A), MetOp-B (GOME2B), and MetOp-C (GOME2C).
AVDC public

Other data

Product Level/Type Description Source Access
Suomi NPP
OMPS L2 OVP station overpass files for OMPS LP, NMSO2, NMTO3, and NP
AVDC public
Satellite (other)
SBUV OVP L2 OVP station overpass files for Nimbus 07, NOAA 09, NOAA 11, NOAA 14, NOAA 16, NOAA 17, NOAA 18, NOAA 19, and NPP
AVDC public
MWR correlative data from NDACC
PIs public
LIDAR correlative data from NDACC
PIs public
Sonds correlative data from SHADOZ, WOUDC, NDACC, etc.
PIs public
Related campaigns
aircraft L2 Aircraft NO2 data  NASA/GSFC public
BrO 2011 correlative data from the BrO campaign, Fairbanks, AK, March 24 - April 8, 2011  PIs public
WECANN L3 surface turbulent fluxes including latent heat, sensible heat, and gross primary productivity using remote sensing observations by Columbia Water Center  CWC public
SMML_CHN L2 daily multiple-layer (0-50cm, 10-cm depth each layer) cropland soil moisture (SM) dataset during 1981-2013 for China, with granularity of cropping patterns  CWC public
OMI-HTAP link The OMI-HTAP (v1.1) emission inventory is developed based on OMI-based and HTAP emission inventories  NASA/GSFC public
FluxSat_GPP L3 NASA experimental research products FluxSat (v2), derived primarily from the MODerate - resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instruments on the NASA Terra and Aqua satellites using the MCD43 reflectance product  NASA/GSFC public
Noise-reduced Fluorescence Data link Noise-reduced fluorescence data sets from GOME-2A and GOME-2B  NASA/GSFC public
Trop Ozone link Tropospheric Ozone from satellite measurements   NASA/GSFC public
Ozone Climatology link Ozone climatology from Dr. Jerald Ziemke  NASA/GSFC public
PACE OCI NO2 L3 Preliminary PACE OCI NO2 Data  NASA/GSFC public
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