GEOMS data quality assurance (QA) and harmonization tools
The GEOMS QA tool allows the quality control of datasets in the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) data format in compliance with Atmospheric composition Validation Data Center (AVDC) quality assurance (QA) requirements and the Generic Earth Observation Metadata Standard (GEOMS). The GEOMS QA tool further checks on GEOMS template compliance. The GEOMS harmonization tool applies changes to HDF files according to updates in guidelines and implementation from the old Envisat/Aura standard to the new GEOMS.
GEOMS HDF online file checker
Check your files against the GEOMS QA
Files |
Requirements |
Documentation/Notes |
geoms_qa.sav |
GEOMS data quality assurance tool.
On Unix, Linux, and Mac OS X use
$IDLDIR/idl -rt=$QAPATH/geoms_qa.sav -args $TAVFILE [$GEOMSTEFILE] $ORIGFILE
on Windows use
- $IDLDIR is the directory to the IDL binary file,
- $QAPATH is the path to the geoms_qa file,
- $TAVFILE is the path of the TAV file, you want to validate against,
- $GEOMSTEFILE is the path of the GEOMS template file, you want to test (optional argument; template checks are only performed if GEOMS-TE is provided),
- $ORIGFILE is the path of the original HDF file, you want to test.
GEOMS QA exit codes:
0 = Passed QA;
1 = GEOMS compliant with non-standard attributes;
2 = Failed QA;
3 = Input parameters incorrect;
4 = Passed QA, passed template check;
5 = GEOMS compliant with non-standard attributes, passed template check;
6 = Failed QA, passed template check;
7 = Passed QA, failed template check;
8 = GEOMS compliant with non-standard attributes, failed template check;
9 = Failed QA, failed template check.
geoms_harmon.sav |
GEOMS data harmonization tool.
on Unix, Linux, and Mac OS X use
$IDLDIR/idl -rt=$QAPATH/geoms_harmon.sav -args $TAVFILE $ORIGFILE $OUTPUTDIR
on Windows use
$IDLDIR\idlrt $QAPATH\geoms_harmon.sav -args $TAVFILE $ORIGFILE $OUTPUTDIR
- $IDLDIR is the directory to the IDL binary file,
- $QAPATH is the path to the geoms_harmon file,
- $TAVFILE is the path of the TAV file, you want to harmonize with,
- $OUTPUTDIR is the path of the output directory of the harmonized file,
- $DATAFORMAT: 0 = HDF4; 1 = HDF5,
- $ORIGFILE is the path of the original HDF file, you want to harmonize.
GEOMS harmonization exit codes:
0 = Passed Harmonization;
1 = GEOMS compliant with non-standard attributes;
2 = Failed Harmonization;
3 = Input parameters incorrect.
Required by geoms_harmon.sav and geoms_harmon.sav |
Latest revision of Table Attribute Values (TAV) |
GEOMS compliant sample hdf4 (.hdf) and hdf5 (.h5) files