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Conversion Data Suite (CDS)

The Data Conversion Suite (CDS) allows the conversion of non-GEOMS data into GEOMS HDF formatted data. The CDS is designed as a community tool, thus allowing users to integrate their own conversion codes and translation tables. With CDS, the GEOMS group will actively convert target datasets in order to be published through GEOMS compliant data portals. At the same time CDS will support users in providing GEOMS compliant data from non-GEOMS sources.

Currently supported data: Envisat and Aura valiation in HDF4/5 and netCDF, NDACC LIDAR, WOUDC sonde, Globwave buoy.

CDS online file conversion
Convert your files with CDS. Files are generated in GEOMS compliant format.

Files Requirements Documentation/Notes
cds_convert.sav GEOMS data conversion suite.
On Unix, Linux, and Mac OS X use
on Windows use
- $IDLDIR is the directory to the IDL binary file,
- $QAPATH is the path to the geoms_qa file,
- $GEOMSTEFILE is the path to the GEOMS template file,
- $TRANSFILE is the path to the CDS compliant translation file,
- $TAVFILE is the path of the TAV file, you want to convert with,
- $OUTPUTDIR is the path of the output directory of the converted file,
- $DATAFORMAT: 0 = HDF4; 1 = HDF5,
- $ORIGFILE is the path to the original file, you want to convert.

GEOMS QA exit codes:
0 = Conversion sucessful,
1 = Conversion failed,
3 = Input parameters incorrect.
GEOMS-TE Optional/manadory with cds_convert.sav Depending on the original file the use of GEOMS-TE-FILE may be optional or manadory.
TRANSFILE Required by cds_convert.sav For privacy protection, translation tables are not posted here. Please contact the AVDC.
Required by cds_convert.sav Latest revision of Table Attribute Values (TAV)

idlcr8 tools

The idlcr8 tools allow the conversion of data from and to the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) data format in compliance with Aura Validation Data Center (AVDC) quality assurance (QA) requirements and the Generic Earth Observation Metadata Standard (GEOMS).

You can either a) download source code files individually, or b) download IDL sav files individually. Please check the requirements on TAV and *.pro files in the table below. The IDL sav files already contain all required compiled source codes. Please make sure to always download the newest Table Attribute Value (TAV) file.

Source code IDL sav Notes Requirements Documentation idlcr8hdf.sav Write Envisat/Aura and GEOMS formatted HDF4/5 and netCDF files idlcr8hdf-v4.0_Readme.pdf idlcr8ascii.sav Read Envisat/Aura and GEOMS formatted HDF4/5 and netCDF files Function to convert a Julian Day Fraction or MJD2000 day fraction to the calendar date or ISO 8601 DATETIME Used by and Function to calculate the Julian Day Fraction or MJD2000 Used by Procedure to perform checks on the metadata VAR_UNITS value and calculate the corresponding VAR_SI_CONVERSION value Used by
Latest revision of Table Attribute Values (TAV) Required by
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