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Agenda STM_Oct3-4.docx 2017-10-01 17:23 16K
Blank_DSOCscienceteammeeting320171002.pptx 2106-02-06 02:28 22M
GALILEO.mov 2013-09-10 11:38 1.2M
Geogdzhaev_epic_cal_slides.pdf 2017-09-29 15:00 621K
Geogdzhaev_epic_cal_slides.ppt 2017-09-29 15:00 1.0M
Herman Calibration 100317.pptx 2017-10-03 11:59 4.0M
Herman EPIC UV Science Products.pptx 2017-10-03 12:30 6.9M
Herman Lunar Eclipse.pptx 2017-10-07 19:45 1.7M
Hostetter_DSOCL0toL1ABProcessingUpdateOct.2017.pptx 2106-02-06 02:28 6.0M
KYang-DSCOV-STM-2017 V2.pptx 2017-10-07 19:41 14M
KYang-DSCOV-STM-2017.pptx 2017-10-03 14:26 14M
Knyazikhin_oct_2017_2.pptx 2017-10-04 08:30 9.4M
Kowalewski_SciGlob_20171003_P_STM-GSFC.pptx 2017-10-03 09:32 6.9M
Krotkov_EPICSTM201710v5.pptx 2106-02-06 02:28 8.4M
Lyapustin_DSCOVR_UVupwelling_Oct3-4-2017.pptx 2017-10-03 18:31 8.3M
Marshak_O2MoonCalib.pptx 2017-10-02 18:12 1.5M
Mathews_DSCOVR Status Update Briefing Slides - 03Oct2017[1].pptx 2017-10-02 12:21 8.6M
Min_NASA Science Meeting 20171004.pdf 2017-10-04 12:06 2.8M
STM_Oct3-4.docx 2017-10-02 12:19 75K
Song_Earth_Reflectivity_final.pptx 2017-10-04 12:46 66M
Su_DSCOVR_STM_LaRC_201710_final.ppt 2017-10-03 14:06 53M
Sutton_L2Update STM.pptx 2017-10-02 20:27 4.7M
Torres_EPIC_STM_Oct3-4_2017.pptx 2017-10-04 09:31 53M
Torres_EPIC_STM_Oct3-4_2017_public.pptx 2017-10-07 19:39 41M
Varnai_DSCOVR_mtg.pptx 2017-10-04 13:48 14M
WYang_EPIC_talk_STM2017OCT_WYang.pdf 2017-10-03 14:27 3.3M
Wang_Plume_height_retrieval.pptx 2017-10-04 13:57 16M
Weaver_EPIC_Science_Team_MTG-cjw.pptx 2017-10-04 13:53 6.4M
YYang_EPIC_Cloud_1004-2017.pptx 2017-10-04 10:27 11M
Yu_NISTAR_STM2017.pptx 2017-10-03 11:59 1.0M
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