OceanP10S, Pacific Ocean OVPID: -90000 Latitude: -10.00 deg. Longitude: -179.00 deg. Altitude: 0 k EOS Aura OMI OMAERUV (Collection 3), Generated: 29-Dec-2019 by http://avdc.gsfc.nasa.gov (Wavelength of Adjustment: 1=354.0, 2=388.0, 3=500.0) Criteria : Direct geographic collocation; L2 algorithm flag equals to 0 only Use pixels that are not affected by OMI row anomalies (XTrackQualityFlags=0) only Fill value : -90000 Datetime : Date and time MJD2000 : Modified Julian Day 2000 Year : Year DOY : Day Of Year sec. (UT) : Elapsed time (seconds, UT) Orbit : Aura orbit number CTP : OMI Cross Track Position (0-59) Lat. : CTP center latitude (degree) Lon. : CTP center longitude (degree) Dist. : Distance between the station and the CTP (km) SZA : Solar Zenith Angle (degree) AlgFlag : Algorithm Flags (dimensionless) AerLayHgt : Aerosol Layer Height (km) AeroType : Aerosol Type (dimensionless, 1 - Smoke, 2 - Dust, 3 - Sulfate, 255 - Unknown) AerAbsOptDpt1 : Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth at wl = 354.0 nm (dimensionless) Read format (FORTRAN/IDL): i4.4,2i2.2,a1,3i2.2,i3.3,a1,f14.6,i6,i5.3,i9.5,i8.5,i6,2f8.2,f6.1,f8.2,i9,f11.2,i10,e15.4 Datetime MJD2000 Year DOY sec(UT) Orbit CTP Lat Lon Dis SZA AlgFlag AerLayHgt AeroType AerAbsOptDpt1